Register your team for Equity in Action: Fostering an Antiracist Library Culture and you’ll increase your impact and save with group rates. Library Journal and School Library Journal offer group discounts so that your team can learn together and implement an equity-based initiative in your library immediately. When you sign up as a group, your team will be placed in the same small workshop group, where discussions and project-based assignments receive feedback from an experienced librarian. The speaker program runs on February 23, March 2, and March 9, 2-4 pm ET (recordings available) with an ongoing workshop over three weeks. Contact [email protected] for group discounts. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Use tools to audit current library collections and programs through a culturally competent lens Assess the inclusiveness of current collection development and RA practices, acquisitions, marketing, plus assessing scheduling practices, branch hours, and staff hiring and retention Recognize common problematic stereotypes, tropes, and microaggressions in media Apply key diversity and cultural literacy concepts such as white privilege, unconscious bias, cultural appropriation, and intersectionality to library culture |