February 13, 2017

Today we've got what I'll charitably call an "encore presentation" for you, dear Gumshoe readers -- Oilprice.com says that they have a $10 stock that "will unleash the greatest leap in the history of energy," and it's all about a new technology for solar cells... which actually has almost nothing to do with the company they're teasing.  Sound familiar?  I've added a few quick updates to the writeup we did on this one in October, so you can click below to...
"Stock Market Tsunami" to hit in a matter of days.
What if I told you the Dow could reach 31,000 by this time next year?  The bad news is we're going on a roller coaster ride through hell to get there. Free video reveals exactly WHAT will happen in the market ... and HOW to take full advantage of it. Investors who fail to follow this advice could be caught in a cataclysmic crash. Watch it now.
Miss anything last week?

We started out the week with a look at "Red Gold" -- it seems like it was months ago, but Louis James over at Casey is pitching it as a stock that could go "parabolic" when it gets the attention of mainstream investors in April.  What is it?  Answers here

After that it was gold again -- this time, gold as a cancer cure.  The FDA Trader folks are talking up a "radical new gold-based oncology protocol" that could make cancer 96% survivable" ... sounds like something's a bit off, yes?  Indeed... details in our article here.

And then, speaking of health and medicine, Doc Gumshoe chimed in with another of his occasional columns -- this time, it's about hypochondria.  Feeling those symptoms?  Click here for Michael's latest.

Following that it was the most-requested (and most discussed) teaser pitch of the week, the "personalized medicine" stock teased by Paul Mampilly... details in my article here.

And the Irregulars got a couple new pieces this week -- first, my regular Friday File that goes to them each week, focused on some quarterly updates on stocks in my portfolio as well as a look at Marin Katusa's "Project Ironman" pitch, you can find that here.

And second, Dr. KSS, who writes biotech pieces for us and helms a discussion group for the Irregulars, posted his followup on those "12 Biotechs of Christmas" that he started last year, you can catch that here.
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