Friend, We’ve organized and worked so hard to restore Net Neutrality, protect free speech and ensure the public’s interests are represented in broadcast media. But all of that good work is under attack: Court blocks the FCC's efforts to restore net neutrality ... again Engadget TikTok fights for survival in latest filing as ban approaches NPR News FCC's Media Ownership Rules Are ‘Relics,’ 8th Circ. Told Law 360 |
The courts are often the place where both Big Media and ISPs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon take their last-ditch attempts to stop the policies we fight so hard for. But the courts are also an important place where we can challenge bad policy when we see it. We refuse to back down from these fights — and with you on our side, Friend, we can defend your rights to connect and communicate in the months to come. Will you make your first gift to the Free Press Legal Fund by the end of the month at midnight? We're so close to hitting our goal of 100 monthly donations, and yours could be the one to put us over the top. DONATE NOW Over the past few days, our team told you about our efforts to challenge the TikTok ban and combat industry attempts to stop the Net Neutrality rules from going into effect. We're also planning to join an amicus brief with partners to protect important rules to address the concentration of broadcast-media ownership, which can hinder opportunities for diverse and underrepresented voices. As mega media conglomerates like Sinclair continue to gut local-television newsrooms and replace local coverage with right-wing programming, these rules are more important than ever. With so much at stake for our movement, hitting tonight's goal is crucial. Give to the Free Press Legal Fund by midnight and help us take on these tough but necessary fights. Thank you so much, Candace and the rest of the Free Press team |