For more than a decade, the Good Food Awards has recognized food makers who are going above and beyond to hone their craft, creating products that not only taste good, but do good by supporting local and sustainable farms, paying workers fair wages, and fostering transparency. Despite a challenging year for small food businesses, the Good Food Awards received 1,928 entries from across the country, and judges gathered remotely to taste and evaluate the contenders at home. “It’s been a rough year for a lot of folks, and we are grateful and humbled to have such a great community and to be recognized by the Good Food Awards,” says David Murphy of Ugly Pickle Co., a first-time finalist. “In a world where it seems like the work never stops and there’s a never ending list of obstacles, it’s a nice excuse to pause and share a celebratory moment together.”
Over the years, CUESA has been proud to see so many members of our farmers market community recognized by the Good Food Awards, and this year is no different. From miso to kraut, here are seven 2021 finalists you can find at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, and the stories behind them. Honor the winners at the Good Food Awards virtual ceremony tonight, and seek out these tasty foods out at the farmers market tomorrow!