Long-term goal and strategic plan for higher education
| By 2040, 75 percent of adults in the U.S. labor force will have college degrees or other credentials of value leading to economic prosperity.
| | Why This Goal Matters | People pursue education to find good jobs, support their families, and build meaningful lives. But many worry about the future. They are uncertain about the economy and how shifts like AI will affect their careers. Meanwhile, businesses and policymakers want to ensure they can develop talent, stay competitive, and adapt to change. | | Read more: A bold vision for a prosperous future » |
| | A Stronger Nation | Lumina’s Vice President of Impact and Planning Courtney Brown gives you a quick tour of our new A Stronger Nation site, which features how we will track the credentials of value goal and continue to monitor educational attainment. | | View the new data visualization tool » |
| | Understanding the 2040 Goal | What is the 2040 Goal?By 2040, 75 percent of adults in the U.S. labor force will have college degrees or other credentials of value leading to economic prosperity.
| How will Lumina define economic prosperity?We will initially measure economic prosperity as people with college degrees, certificates, or industry certifications who earn at least 15 percent more than the national average for adults with only high school diplomas. We will develop better ways to measure economic prosperity over time.
| Who will Lumina include in this measurement?Working-age adults ages 25 to 64 in the United States who are part of the labor force—that is, individuals who are working, unemployed seeking work, or serving in the U.S. armed forces.
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Want to see the full strategic plan and learn about our early investments? | Visit Goal 2040 » |
| 820 Massachusetts Ave. IN Lumina Foundation Indianapolis https://hs-45134147.s.hubspotemail.net/hs/preferences-center/en/page?data=W2nXS-N30h-SyW3ZDw1d4fvP-mW3BV9cM21nQqJW3_Fx922TQTfgW2vP8gg343VcfW1-ZK041Vks-3W23gQGc3QKrxbW343-WY3NFv_sW4pG8rL2Mp6f5W3gvCjD219blhW4kFNvt1S9JPCW2Pv0MP3ddJ3vW3dvT0H3fYKlLW4hMnRy30BSkkW2Rwpmx36yxh7W214c8_3B_MHJW2Fvq7525m6yMW2t4yyB4pr-rqW32lgfZ1NpQGGW3JGJyy3gbRbdW3gs_hK3F4GDTW49Ds9534f3N1W4rlGlP2MCt5KW3yZx3x22_S8TW4p5BJn4rqRb7W4fG9QL2FzwVmW348vx43ZwCZQW4rq14m3F5tP1W3DXQqQ3dzYWcW2z_37G49yGCFW4hPPv31VfkQfW4cSjvF41J-0hW47Mg-W4h9-3yW41-6Gc2Twb5fW2TM3Yt2Wtl0lW4rC3gX2zWq71W1QwVzC4ttFdWW4cHB2V3g5TK5W1LjBZJ25m7l4W36dYy932xKpTW3dcvnw2sNW7DW2KGBHJ2KV6G1W49LNcN3zjKx4W41WWBx3K53WbW4tl2lp49ygPnW3d37Xy1ZrKf6W3H3Xtt3_R6G2W41FhjZ4hq04sf2p9yyB04 |