In summary, the rapidly evolving therapeutic environment for T2DM has provided new options for patients that can further mitigate risk for CV disease complications, which remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity in this population (Cardiovascular Diabetology) The negligible number of moderate-risk patients suggests that these classifications might overestimate risk of ASCVD death. Downgrading patients with ≥ 3 additional ASCVD risk factors to the high-risk category is consistent with mortality data. Risk of death is very high in the presence of TOD irrespective of established ASCVD (Acta Diabetologica) EMPA inhibited the AGEs-RAGE pathway, thereby alleviating diabetic renal tubular cholesterol accumulation (Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome) Accumulating evidence from clinical trials and real-world evidence show a benefit to the administration of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in patients with diabetes and AF (Cardiovascular Diabetology) The substantial number of people under 40 years of age with type 2 diabetes, are more likely to have characteristics associated with inequalities and are less likely to achieve HbA1c targets and receive recommended care processes. These findings highlight the need to consider novel approaches to service provision for this high-risk group (Diabetic Medicine)