SCTA is a safe and effective route for the treatment of DME, which has comparable effects to IVTA, and may even last longer (Clinical Ophthalmology) Caregivers often over- or underestimated their children’s QoL. Positive screens for depression among both youths and caregivers contributed to the observed differences between self- and caregiver-reported QoL (Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome) The current studies provide crucial mechanistic and clinical insight into the beneficial effects of verapamil in T1D (Nature) This article summarises the Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care guidelines on the management of ketoacidosis (Diabetic Medicine) This study found that a large proportion of women in South Asian urban settings developed dysglycemia soon after a GDM-affected pregnancy and that a lifestyle intervention, modified owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, did not prevent subsequent glycemic deterioration (JAMA) We identified a distinct gut microbial signature in adults with longstanding T1D and associations between microbial taxa, metabolic pathways, and glycemic control indices (Diabetes Care) Our real-world data on SGLT2i showed promising results in reductions in HbA1c, weight, and insulin requirements in type 1 diabetes. Benefits were more pronounced in individuals with higher baseline HbA1c and BMI. DKA remained a major concern, despite educational measures (Diabetes Care) The serum BA response to a 75g oral glucose load is attenuated in patients with ‘early’ T2D, as is the secretion of FGF-19 and GLP-1, while in individuals without T2D it correlates with 2h plasma glucose levels. These observations support a role for BAs in the regulation of postprandial glucose metabolism (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism)