The AD‐associated protein pattern found in T2D, with basal elevated APP and reduced SNCA, was exaggerated by hypoglycemia with increased APP and decreased SNCA (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) Studies of the human plasma proteome have started to elucidate its potential for T2D prediction and biomarker discovery (Current Diabetes Reports) This observational study suggests bariatric surgery may yield similar benefits on risk for cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in patients with T1D and obesity as for patients with type 2 diabetes (Diabetes Care) Plasma glucose levels at admission and antidiabetes drugs may influence the survival of COVID-19 patients affected by type 2 diabetes (Diabetes Care) Different DR phenotypes in type 2 diabetes show different risks of retinopathy progression. Phenotype C is associated with increased HbA1c values and presents a higher risk of a 2-or-more-step worsening of the ETDRS severity score (Acta Diabetologica) We found several maternal glycaemic and neonatal adiposity benefits in the metformin group. Along with reduced maternal weight gain and insulin dosage and improved glycaemic control, the lower adiposity and infant size measurements resulted in fewer large infants but a higher proportion of small-for-gestational-age infants (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology) These data show for the first time, to our knowledge, reversibility of the abnormal pancreas morphology of type 2 diabetes by weight loss-induced remission (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology) Among individuals with diabetes, CKD significantly increases the risk of incident AF. Identification of AF prior to clinical symptoms through active ECG screening could help to improve the clinical outcomes in individuals with CKD and diabetes (Cardiovascular Diabetology) Treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors improves liver structure and function in patients with type 2 diabetes. This meta‐analysis suggests that SGLT2 inhibitors are a promising pharmacological approach to NAFLD (Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews)