Compared with POC, FreeStyle Libre CGM showed lower mean daily glucose and higher detection of hypoglycemic events, particularly nocturnal and prolonged hypoglycemia in hospitalized patients with T2D. CGM’s accuracy was lower in the hypoglycemic range (Diabetes Care) CGM is associated with considerably less time in hypoglycemia than SMBG at a broad range of HbA1c levels and is crucial for patients with MDI treatment if they are to have a chance to approach hypoglycemia targets (Diabetes Care) Our study provides robust histological evidence that a clinical diagnostic model, combining clinical features and biomarkers, could improve diabetes classification. Our study also provides reassurance that a C‐peptide‐based definition of type 1 diabetes is an appropriate surrogate outcome that can be used in large clinical studies where histological definition is impossible (Diabetic Medicine) The MAGE study indicates that Gla-300, as part of a basal-bolus regimen, results in improved treatment satisfaction and reduced hypoglycemia fear in people with advanced T2DM (Diabetes Therapy) When added to optimised insulin therapy, sotagliflozin improved glycaemic control and body weight and enabled more adults with T1D to achieve A1c goals without weight gain over 52 weeks, although there was more DKA relative to placebo (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) Unlike usual-onset, young-onset type 2 diabetes has a similar cardiovascular and mortality risk irrespective of cardiometabolic risk factor status at diagnosis. The guidelines on the management of young-onset type 2 diabetes for intensive risk factor management and cardioprotective therapies need to be urgently reevaluated through prospective studies (Diabetes Care) ACEi/ARB reduce the risk of pneumonia/influenza in people with type 2 diabetes (Diabetes Care) Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability (FDA, USA)