Our results suggest a link between ferritin and T2DM and MetS, which might be partially explained by hepatic dysfunction (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice) In our high acuity medically critically ill patient population, achieving time-weighted average daily blood glucose levels <180mg/dl reliably while in the ICU significantly decreased the odds of subsequent hospital mortality. Suboptimal glycemic control during the ICU stay, on the other hand, significantly increased the odds of a longer-than-predicted ICU and hospital stay (American Journal of Medicine) Glycemic target for elderly T2DM patients should be approached cautiously. Over-aggressive treatment may lead to increased mortality among elderly T2DM patients (Primary Care Diabetes) Liraglutide addition to ongoing insulin therapy effectively reduced glycated hemoglobin and glycated albumin levels than empagliflozin in patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes (Journal of Diabetes Investigation)