Hello Voornaam,
Today is Giving Tuesday—a day for global generosity, when everyone is encouraged to give what they can and celebrate the practice of giving. (It’s also the last day of our 50% off sale on BrainHQ!)

Being generous with your time, money, or effort can be a fantastic way of helping others, but it’s also good for your brain. Studies show that giving can reduce stress, help boost cognitive health, and light up the reward systems in the brain. In essence, being generous changes the brain for the better!

At Posit Science, our main channel for helping others is through making BrainHQ available and effective for our customers. But a few years ago, we decided the company would also commit to giving on behalf of our employees. Now, each person working at Posit Science is provided with $1000 each year to donate to the non-profit organization of their choice–and we work to support their giving efforts in other ways, too. Here are a few highlights!

Peter Delahunt: Miles for Myeloma

Senior software engineer and scientist
“I am an avid runner. A running friend of mine was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. This year he decided to organize a local 5k running event to raise money for research. I was part of the organizing committee, and Posit Science was one of the main sponsors of the event. We had a great turnout with 300 registrants and raised about $40,000.”

Erin Lynn: The Marine Mammal Center

Senior artist and graphic designer
“I have loved the ocean my entire life. Not only is it important to me, but it is incredibly important to the survival of the earth! I chose to donate to the Marine Mammal Center because they are leaders in the field of global ocean conservation. From rescuing and rehabilitating baby seals and sea lions, to education and research on climate change, they really do it all!”

Aaron Teixeira: American Red Cross

Senior customer service representative
“Here at Posit Science, I have the privilege to pursue my vocation: helping people. The company has, whenever the need arises (and with little to no notice) provided me with the time to respond to disasters across the country in service with the American Red Cross. As a disaster responder, I have been able to help shelter those displaced by hurricanes and wildfires, deliver emergency supplies throughout impacted regions, and lead responses in an Operations Management capacity. The work I do every day helping people at Posit Science has provided me with the tools required to help alleviate human suffering after a disaster." 
We are grateful to be able to give this little bit extra! 

Happy holidays,
The BrainHQ Team

P.S. Today is the last day of our 50% off BrainHQ sale. It’s the best sale of the holiday season, so if you’d like to think faster, focus better, and remember more, buy today!
*Purchase discounts are only available on brainhq.com; note they are not available on purchases made through the App Store or Google Play Store.
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