From Our AdvertiserHi, When investors and traders first discover the Elliott Wave Principle, they're often most impressed by its ability to predict where a market will head next. And it is impressive! But its real power doesn't end there; the Wave Principle helps you identify when a market is most likely to turn. And that, in turn, gives you guidance as to where you might enter and exit positions for the highest probability of success. Dig in and learn these basics of the Elliott Wave Principle with this informative FREE 11-page report. It will introduce you to the Elliott wave basics, how to identify key trends and turns in your markets, plus much more. Get free access to the illuminating report, Discovering How To Use The Elliott Wave Principle, now! Who is Elliott Wave International? EWI is the world's largest independent technical analysis firm. Founded by Robert Prechter in 1979, EWI helps investors and traders to catch market opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls before others even see them coming. Their unique perspective and high-quality analysis have been their calling card for nearly 40 years, featured in financial news outlets such as Fox Business, CNBC, Reuters, MarketWatch and Bloomberg.