Week in Review
Get our new French Country bread for free!
Stock up for $2.99! Regular price, $5.49!
Finally! We have a new French bread that's amazing.
It's an authentic French bread with an interior that is light and airy, soft and moist.
You can try it for free! Get more for $2.99! And look what else!
Get your free bread and get started!
Don't miss the other new bread!
It's our new breakfast bread—a Swedish brown bread made with sourdough. It's perfect for toast, French toast, and breakfast sandwiches!
Try this bread for only $3.59!
Don't miss a thing! What else can you get from $2.99?
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." — Walt Disney
The Prepared Pantry | 2 North Landmark Lane | Rigby, ID 83442 US
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