| Hi friend, Uranus, the planet of change and innovation, leaves fiery Aries and enters set-in-its-ways Taurus today. Stubborn Taurus rules our personal boundaries and our finances, which can be a very interesting mix when ever-changing Uranus is involved. The Bull doesn’t like to be challenged, and Uranus aim to do just that. This is not a comfortable matchup, and moral indecision/financial upheaval can be a direct result.
There’s a new moon in Taurus to deal with today, too, so there is a double amount of conservative, traditional energy trying to prevent Uranus from doing its eclectic thing. Go ahead, says Taurus, try your best – it’s going to take a lot to get me to budge! Because this mental back and forth can mess with your values and money, you could really use the personal guidance that our 12-Month Personal Transit Report provides. Covering all the important topics you need to know about, this Natal Chart-based report describes upcoming planetary aspects for the coming year and helps you make the most of them. Don’t let anything - not even the cosmic conundrum that started today - stop you from reaching your full potential! |