| A Year of Gardening Wisdom
Get advice, folklore, and gardening secrets (shhh!), as well as some interesting plant trivia, in The Old Farmer’s Almanac Gardening Calendar. |
 | Dear Hopeful Horticulturist, When you’ve been publishing an Almanac and studying the weather since George Washington was president, you pick up a few gardening tips. You pass along a few folktales down through the years. You learn some interesting facts. (Did you know that a ladybug can eat as many as 5,000 aphids during its lifetime?)
When we were putting together our Gardening Calendar for the coming year, we looked back at those tips, tales, and facts, gathered our favorites, and “penciled them in.” Kidding. We used ink.
Don’t think us negligent, though. These facts and tales and bits of wisdom are all true, except maybe the one about how a juniper plant at your front door will discourage a witch from entering. We haven’t verified that one.
Here are a few of our favorites. Be warned, though. You may think differently about that cute praying mantis when you find out what it does! |
Two Great Greens That Go Great Together | Want something unique in your garden? BrusselKale, also known as kalettes and lollipop kale, is a cross between brussels sprouts and kale. Along its tall stems, this hybrid beauty forms small green and/or purple rosettes of kale-like leaves. Their mild, nutty flavor becomes sweeter after frost.
BrusselKale is available as ‘Autumn Star’ (matures in 110 days), ‘Mistletoe’ (124 days), and ‘Snowdrop’ (138 days). All grow well in nitrogen-rich soil amended with well-aged manure or compost. Space transplants 18 to 24 inches apart in the garden. | Praying Predator | Want to give your outdoor garden a pal? Praying mantises are known for their iconic stance, with forelegs held together as if in prayer. And these fierce predators hunt many insect pests that terrorize gardens, including moths, beetles, and flies.
You can purchase mantis egg cases from beneficial insect suppliers to release them into the garden. A case usually contains from 200 to 300 eggs.
Note: They also may eat beneficial insects but have been known to attack hummingbirds on occasion! |  | Growing up Isn't Hard to Do | Is outdoor gardening too much to handle? Indoor vertical herb gardens are a great way to grow fresh ingredients in the kitchen without crowding the counters. Use hose clamps to fasten small pots or mason jars to an old cutting board and then hang the board on a sturdy hook in a well-lit area.
Add about an inch of pebbles to the bottom of each container and then fill with potting soil and herbs such as basil, chives, mint, oregano, and sage. Alternatively, you can attach a few gutters to the wall or suspend hanging planters from the ceiling.
If you want to learn more about ground covers and flying saucer squash, plus discover much more useful information, wit, and wisdom about gardening, you can get it along with 84 facts, folklore notes, and fun tales in our 2019 Gardening Calendar. |
Sincerely, Janice Stillman Editor, The Old Farmer’s Almanac |
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- The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2019 Garden Guide
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- The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2019 Gardening Wall Calendar
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