In a world full of i-tronics, online “friends,” and insta feedback, young people today are constantly bathed in what everyone else is experiencing. They are growing up in a void of true leaders. Youth deserve to feel empowered… to create their own life experience… and to define how they measure success. To help young people do more, be more, and become more than they ever thought possible, we have created the GENERATION ZIGLAR OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE! Throughout a week-long hiking experience in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, our desire for the Outdoor Leadership Experience is to take young people, infuse them with Ziglar principles of personal development, and do it all in the great outdoors. By taking youth outdoors and infusing them with concrete leadership principles, we destroy confining walls and create a firm foundation to build a successful future for us all. If you are between the ages of 16 -25, are available June 18-24 or June 25-July 1, and want to experience an outdoor leadership experience like never before, then we want to talk to you! ZiglarYouth.