Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman: Documenting the Innovation and Influence of Eva Hesse The documentary feature "Eva Hesse," which follows the life of the pioneering mid-20th century artist throughout the rise of her career, marks the feature film debut of director Marcie Begleiter. Produced by Karen S. Shapiro ("Beat the Drum") and Michael P. Aust ("Pommes essen"), the Zeitgeist Films release premiered at Film Forum in New York in April. Editor Azin Samari used Avid Media Composer to edit "Eva Hesse," which interweaves archival footage shot by German filmmaker Werner Nekes when he was still a student with material from Hesse's unpublished journals (with voiceover narration by Selma Blair), newly uncovered still photographs, and selections from nearly 60 hours of interviews with art world luminaries including artists Dan Graham, Richard Serra, Carl Andre, Robert and Sylvia Plimack Mangold, and Nancy Holt. Nicholas Serota, director of the Tate museums, Whitney curator Elisabeth Sussman and writer Lucy Lippard, all of who curated important Hesse exhibitions, also appear in the film, along with beautifully lit shots of Hesse's work. Taking Flight: National Drone Show We're only just starting to see what's possible for video professionals using unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and the opportunities are already amazing. "We live in exciting times," says Scott Strimple, a pilot, cinematographer and producer for CinemaVisuals, a company specializing in low-altitude cinematography and photography. "We're witnessing the birth of the civilian small unmanned aircraft industry. The attraction is the camera's unrestricted freedom of movement, giving just about any visual artist the ability to provide a fresh perspectivean ability previously reserved for high-budgeted Hollywood projects. As artists, storytellers and filmmakers, we are always excited about new ways to communicate with our audience." With that in mind, I'd like to let you know the dates for our 2016 National Drone Show, a conference and expo about UAS video production. Held Dec. 7-8 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., the National Drone Show brings thousands of video professionals together for two days of cutting-edge discussions and demos of the latest UAS solutions. We'll have a drone flying cage, screenings of our D.C. Drone Fest entries, free-to-attend sessions on the exhibit floor covering the latest drone technologies and regulatory topics, and in-depth training sessions for UAV users. "O.J.: Made in America" Sources Archival Footage of Different Textures ESPN's "O.J.: Made in America" attempts to tell the complete story of O.J. Simpson--from the storied athlete to the accused murdered and, now, convicted felon serving a long prison sentence. To do so, the seven-and-a-half hour series relies on a ton of archival footage, including the infamous footage of the trial of the century. "The trial footage is a certain number of cameras and it's crappy video from the '90s. It's not the most beautiful looking footage but it is familiar to people who saw it at the time," producer Caroline Waterlow says. "Knowing that footage was a big element in the film we wanted to flush out the other parts of the story with more diverse textures." How the Co-Directors of "Weiner" Crafted a Portrait of the Politician Anybody who follows the news has likely seen more of sext-loving former congressman Anthony Weiner than they would prefer, so it's difficult to imagine there would be anything further on the subject worth watching. But the documentary film Weiner from directors Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg offers a compelling take on the portion of the politician's career after his first sexting scandalfrom his effective PR rehabilitation and entry into the New York mayoral race to his humiliating and mostly self-imposed second downfall. The history of politics is full of similar stories, but it's quite rare for an audience to get to see the person at the center of the controversy reacting to events as they occur. We see all this because of the incredible access Weiner gave the filmmaking team, in part because Kriegman had worked previously with the candidate as an advisor before becoming a documentarian, and in part because Weiner wanted to present himself as more than just the late-night punch line he'd become. Download the 2016 Best of Show Guide: NAB Show The Best of Show Awards program covering the spring NAB Show continues to grow! Now your free Best of Show Program Guide from NewBay Media is hot off the virtual presses and you can read it here. It's a great way to learn about 280 (!) new products that were introduced at the spring convention for TV/video, radio, audio and pro AV professionals.