From the McDougall Kitchen:
One Base Recipe, Lots of Meals

We love the versatility of making a batch (or double batch) of Basic Mexican Bean Filling to use as the base of meals throughout the week. With beans already prepared and just needing to be warmed, Bean Tacos and Taco Salad can be on the table in 15 minutes or less. On nights when you have more time to spend on prep, Bean and Corn Enchiladas are a delicious and filling option. Bean Burritos have been a long-time McDougall family favorite. A new favorite on heavy rotation is Mexican Pizza, a fun twist on pizza with Mexican flavors. For a tasty addition to any of these recipes, cook up a batch of Instant Mexican Rice.

More Recipes

Our September 11th Event has Sold Out

Due to Popular Demand, We Have Added Another Date!

Join us on Sunday, September 25th

Come and spend the morning with Dr. John and Mary McDougall, and hosted by Heather McDougall, CEO.

Dr. McDougall will show you how to prevent the most common causes of dementia including Alzheimer's Disease and strokes. Mary will tell you how to live better and longer with delicious foods.

Topics will include:

  • Natural lifespans
  • Painless calorie restriction
  • Preserving heart function
  • Sarcopenia (muscle loss)
  • Alzheimer's Disease and aluminum
  • Natural and safe treatments for Alzheimer's Disease
  • Preventing vascular dementia and brain atrophy (shrinking)
  • Coffee and teas
  • Improving circulation to the mind and body, and more

This is a unique opportunity to have your personal questions answered by the McDougalls during this half-day event.

This live event is limited to 100 participants.

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“I loved all the information provided. Everything I needed wanted and didn’t even think to ask was answered. Great information from the experts " - Margaret D.

Save Your Spot for Our Last Program of 2022

Learning from home will allow you to immediately apply what you’ve learned, practice in your own kitchen and get direct guidance from the McDougall team as questions come up. This is the exact environment where you’ll be challenged in your everyday life, and we’ll be there with you every step of the way. We’re here to set you up for lasting success.
Here is what’s possible for you with the 12-Day McDougall Program:

  • Avoid dangerous and costly surgeries

  • Lower, or eliminate, unnecessary medications and avoid their harmful side effects

  • Save time and money with fewer doctor’s visits and less time off work

  • Live a full life with vitality and confidence in your good health

  • Add healthy years to your life plus keep up with your kids, your grandchildren and enjoy that bucket list trip you’ve always dreamed about

Check out what participants have to say about the 12-Day McDougall Program!

This is not simply a 12-day program - we will continue to support you for an entire year and you'll become a McDougall patient for life. We will be there when you need us. Secure your spot today while there's still room. Contact us at to learn more or for help with your registration.

Learn More
Book a Consultation
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
This Sunday at 5 PM PT tune in to our YouTube channel and join the McDougalls for a talk with a 12-Day McDougall Program graduate and have your questions answered by the experts. Questions can be submitted during Sunday’s livestream or submitted ahead of time to
Watch for Free

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