From the McDougall Kitchen:
Maximum Weight Loss Recipes

Are you struggling with losing weight and need some help? Our Maximum Weight Loss Recipes are tasty, filling and low in calorie density to help you achieve your weight loss goals effortlessly. 

Click Here for More Maximum Weight Loss Recipes
Are you interested in losing weight but not sure where to start? Allow us to help you obtain your goals. Our free McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Forum is organizing the April 2021 Weigh-In Group now.

We welcome anyone aspiring to lose weight to join the weekly weigh-in group. Our only requirement is that you follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss plan.

Join the Maximum Weight Loss Forum

"This is an extremely comprehensive and well thought out program ... each lecture added to the entire package, and complimented the rest of the talks and chats." - Cynthia

Contact us at [email protected] or 1-800-941-7111 to see if this program is right for you. 

April is sold out. Join us May 14-25, 2021- you deserve to look and feel your best this Summer! 

Learn More

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We're sharing our favorite dinner ideas, giving tips on how to thrive on a starch-based diet and answering your specific questions.
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