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Palace of Possibilities Newsletter |
IN THIS ISSUE Scroll down and read what you choose. |
For Everyone Webinar Tomorrow Today's Quote Skeptical Alexander Popular Links Access Emotions? Man Dies (NDE) |
For Paid Members Sheri Shares Nancy's Grief 1 Mother Issues |
"What you feel emotionally becomes how you feel physically." Don Colbert, MD Sound familiar? |
Note from Gary: It's easy to be skeptical about OEFT and The Unseen Therapist. Many are. After all, we are asking for some invisible source to resolve issues where even our most sophisticated man-made methods fall short. Alexander is a new member of our Near-Free Advanced Online Training and, as you will see in his astonishing revelation, he is a major skeptic. How would you advise him? |
Question: I'm fascinated by OEFT but you mention that if you don't or can't feel any emotion, despite knowing that you have many old traumas, it wouldn't matter as the Course would cover this. I have learned to move forward in my life and to put the past behind me but I'm concerned that my health is rubbish and that there might be buried problems causing This. |
Answer: You most likely have many buried and unresolved issues/traumas, even if you have repressed them or learned to stuff them so they don't consciously bother you. I say this because (1) I've never met a person that didn't have such issues and (2) your "rubbish health" is a clear give away.... |
Listen in as Mike Mckinsey shares, on a YouTube video, his experience of Heightened Reality. He is shown what creation really is and suggests how we can experience it now. PS: Some Members approach this with OEFT... and they don't have to die to experience it. |
SHERI SHARES Insights from our Director |
Sheri Baker’s Gold Standard EFT Tapping - Tier 1 Workshop I am pleased to announce the Gold Standard EFT Tapping - Tier 1 workshop is open for registration! This is a Non Certification training whose goal is to give you a rock solid foundation in how to perform EFT Tapping as developed and currently updated by EFT founder Gary Craig. In addition to acquiring extensive knowledge and understanding of this amazing healing technique, you’ll also enjoy practical applications, and even do some personal healing! Participants will also receive a Guidebook containing highlights of the workshop. Membership in the Near-Free Advanced Online Training is a prerequisite to register for this 12-hour training, which will be taught live via Zoom over the course of 3 Saturdays on the dates and times listed below: Dates: Feb 22, March 1, and March 8 Times: 11 am - 1 pm; break from 1 pm - 2 pm; then 2 pm - 4 pm (EASTERN) Your Investment: $400 If interested, please email me at: [email protected] |
This is the 1st of 22 EFT Tapping video sessions I had with Nancy on her heavy grief and many related issues. Much to learn here. Very high-end. Here are my notes from this session. |
Notes: Daughter Rachel died 4 or 5 years ago of a drug overdose. Nancy blames herself and cries often about it. Has persistent anxiety for which she takes Xanax. Symptoms: Handwriting changed Suffocating feeling Out of body experiences Sights and Sounds magnified Persistent Nausea Tightness in chest Throat Constriction Intense Sadness Cloud Repeats her daughter’s voice 30 or 40 times per day. “Momma get ahold on me.?” She was in tears right away so I did many (6 or 7) global rounds to take the edge off. Newbie to EFT Tapping so I had to explain the idea of it (stimulating meridians like short circuits in a radio—zzzzzt). Also, I chose the physical route to reduce the emotions with focus on reducing nausea, throat constriction, tightness in chest. These all went to zero. Using Tearless Trauma Technique. The guess started at a 10 for the “I hate you” movie (she said this to her daughter in a fit of anger at age 5 and thinks that’s why Rachel got into drugs) and came down very slowly. Many, many rounds and more efforts at the physical door. Eventually, she was able to tell the entire story (never able to do that before) with some intensity but hard to tell if it was “normal” intensity or not. Also, “I feel so guilty” came down from a high level (probably a 10) to around a 3. To read the entire article, just login to your paid account and go to Section #2>Advanced EFT Tapping Videos>Challenging case (Nancy)>Nancy: Session 1 |
"Annie" (real name disguised for privacy reasons) and Gary explore in depth her problem with her Mother's need to control and the many limits Annie has adopted from this exposure... including Annie's exhausting need to "be perfect." This first "Good Start" video opens many of freedom's doors for anyone with an abusive upbringing. The second video is a followup that is loaded with fine points, aspects, reframes and philosophical ideas that are useful for just about any issue you can name. |
To read the entire article, just login to your paid account and go to Section #3>Tips, Hints & More>Annie's mother issues, "being perfect" & followup issues |