We've almost got it...

Thanks to the thousands of feature query backers, development of fallback first abilities within Grid Builder has made huge strides. The controls are in place and are going through rigorous testing. Next week, we'll unveil the first demo video so you can see how it works.

Project backers can expect to see this upgrade available in the new couple of weeks. If you're not a backer yet, join today and get a full copy of Grid Builder for $129 $29!

New State selector (plus free theme)

The CSS Grid layout method may be the star of the Grid Builder show, but the app has lots of other cool tricks in its toolkit too. Like the State  Last of Type  selector. This applies style rules on the last occurrence of an element inside a container.

Take the Visions Theme for example. This selector is used on the nav buttons. Each has a left-side border with a right-side border for the last instance. This way no matter how many buttons the menu gets, the last instance will always display the correct styles.

Of course, there are other options too such as  First of Type ,  Only of Type , along with  Nth Child  and many more. We'll explain these further in the upcoming weeks.

Visions Theme Example

Learn, prototype, create, and get ready!

With CSS Grid your layout options are limitless. Instead of being restricted to responsive elements flowing downward, with Grid you can specify start and end points, essentially placing items anywhere on the canvas! Take the Free Grid Builder for a spin.

It's a visual playground for learning how the CSS Grid layout technique is used. No time restrictions, so that you can practice with our collection of resources at your own pace. 

I originally gave this app a 3-star rating. But after experimenting with it, I see great potential. As a result, I am upgrading it to a 4-star rating.  – John Parniak

We are pumped about CSS Grid and hope so are you. We see it will be the future standard in web design. Don't get left behind while the web transitions into this new layout method.

Learn about CSS Grid
Become a Backer Now

Happy Site Designing!


- The CoffeeCup Team