⛔️Spoilers ahead, obviously. ⛔️ More than two decades after its release, Fight Club has been given a very different ending in China — and this time, the authorities win. But would it even still be worth watching then?
Cult classic Fight Club gets a new ending in China
The first rule of Fight Club in China? Don't mention the original ending. The second rule of Fight Club in China? Change it so the police win.
China has some of the world's most restrictive censorship rules with authorities only approving a handful of foreign films for release each year - sometimes with major cuts.
Among the latest movies to undergo such treatment is David Fincher's 1999 cult classic Fight Club starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton.
Film fans in China noticed over the weekend that a version of the movie newly available on streaming platform Tencent Video was given a makeover that transforms the anarchist, anti-capitalist message that made the film a global hit.
In the closing scenes of the original, Norton's character The Narrator, kills off his imaginary alter ego Tyler Durden - played by Pitt - and then watches multiple buildings explode, suggesting his character's plan to bring down modern civilisation is underway.
But the new version in China has a very different take.
The star's manager also responded to the claims, saying Ray J "only wishes Kim and Kanye the best in all of their endeavours and will not be discussing or addressing the past."
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