Sell the Grain - Buy the Board
November 5, 2019  I   View in Browser

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Sell the Grain - Buy the Board  
Sell the Grain - Buy the Board

A common scenario is a farmer will sell their crop since they either don't have storage available or do not want to pay for storage and then "repurchase" the crop in the futures market.

In The Shop: Those Wonderful Chopping Corn Heads  
In The Shop: Those Wonderful Chopping Corn Heads

I know you're scrambling to finish harvest, but if you've got a chopping corn head that uses "lawn mowers" under the row units, be prepared to do some preventive maintenance before you put that corn head away for the winter.

A Flexible Choice  
A Flexible Choice

Farmer Greg Hoegermeyer likes the flexibility of Enlist® One herbicide. “I like the option to use glufosinate,” he says on

Ferrie: Soybean Yields Are All Over The Board  
Ferrie: Soybean Yields Are All Over The Board

Soybean yields are coming in at highs in the 90s-per-acre to half that number and everywhere in-between this week, reports Ken Ferrie.

John Phipps: Is the ERS Move to Kansas City a Smart Decision?  
John Phipps: Is the ERS Move to Kansas City a Smart Decision?

USDA announced last week its new location will be in Kansas City, Mo. So, is the move justified? John Phipps talks about it in John's World.

Save Time, Money By Assessing Your Equipment Lubrication System  
Save Time, Money By Assessing Your Equipment Lubrication System

Even though the harvest season is well underway, it might still be worth your while to assess what lubrication needs your equipment has.

Tapping Into Legacy P Can Reduce Fertilizer Costs And Overuse  
Tapping Into Legacy P Can Reduce Fertilizer Costs And Overuse

Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) management get easier when you understand what a soil test reading is, and what it isn’t, says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie.

Crop Comments<br>Huntington County, Ind.  
Crop Comments
Huntington County, Ind.

Well here we go again! Another wet, muddy harvest, need 5 days after today's mess to even drive on fields! 2 inches already in 36 hours plus 1.6 last week!! Corn is really starting to go down in places!! Way worse then fall '18!!!

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