MPR News UpdateAM edition
Rivers of Oil
Good morning! A cooler start to the week, with highs in the 70s. A chance of showers and storms continues in southern Minnesota. If you're not sick of the #mprraccoon news yet, here's one more for you. Well, actually it's a song. That's right. She has her own song -- and music video -- now, courtesy of The Current. | Forecast
Minnesota's August primaries may deliver high drama, big turnout
Minnesota summer primaries are typically sleepy affairs with lousy turnout and a call-me-in-the-fall attitude among voters. Not this year.
Family separation policy starts dividing Republicans

Former first lady Laura Bush called the policy "cruel" and "immoral" while GOP Sen. Susan Collins expressed concern about it and a former adviser to President Trump said he thought the issue was going to hurt the president at some point. Religious groups, including some conservative ones, are protesting.

Flash flooding swamps parts of NE Minnesota, NW Wisconsin; some rivers still rising
Heavy rain late Saturday into early Sunday — in excess of a half-foot in places — led to flash flooding that washed out highways in parts of northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin.
DOJ inspector general, FBI director to testify about IG report

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to grill Michael Horowitz and Christopher Wray about how the FBI and Department of Justice handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server.

Freighter runs aground in Duluth harbor
A 1,004-foot freighter ran aground Sunday afternoon in the Duluth Harbor, coming to rest just offshore from a breakwall in Canal Park.
Compulsive video-game playing now new mental health problem

In its latest revision to an international disease classification manual, the World Health Organization said that classifying "Gaming Disorder" as a separate condition will "serve a public health purpose for countries to be better prepared to identify this issue."

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