TL;DR: Avoid paying unnecessary fees by grabbing access to EventsFrame before time runs out
| A no-fee ticketing system for organizing and hosting events |
You did all the hard work of setting up and hosting your event only to have a ticketing system reap the rewards with their fees. (It's like group presentations all over again.) EventsFrame lets you customize beautiful ticket pages, sell tickets, and check people into your events, without charging you any ticket fees. But don’t be fashionably late to this one! Your golden ticket to EventsFrame expires in 72 hours! |
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| 2,500 ticket sales per event |
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| Light EventsFrame branding |
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| Braintree, PayPal, and Stripe integration |
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| 5,000 ticket sales per event |
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| Ability to remove EventsFrame branding |
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| Braintree, PayPal, and Stripe integration |
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| 3 accounts: 1 main account + 2 sub-accounts |
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| Up to 100 active events per account |
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| 5,000 ticket sales per event |
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| Ability to remove EventsFrame branding |
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| Braintree, PayPal, and Stripe integration |
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