Bill Bonner's Diary

Dear Reader,

I’m writing with some exciting news today. As a reader of Dr. Pescatore’s Reality Health Check eletter, you are eligible for a new free source of valuable solutions to ensuring a healthy and vibrant future.

While Dr. Fred’s focus is to help you achieve your health success story… It’s just as important to secure your financial future as well. For you and your loved ones. Especially as the cost of health care continues to skyrocket.

In many ways your health and financial wellbeing go hand in hand.

Which is why I’m pleased to announce a new free service from one of the leading financial publishing companies in the world—Bonner & Partners. Led by best-selling author, Bill Bonner, Bonner & Partners specializes in sharing strategies for building up your family’s wealth and how to hang on to it, for generations to come.

In 1978, Bill Bonner founded what is now the largest alternative publishing network on the planet.

Bill also co-wrote two New York Times bestselling books, Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt. And after years of building his own success, Bill has been exploring the challenges of strategically planning his own estate. So that his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren can share in the Bonner legacy.

And now, Bill Bonner has agreed to share his secrets and insights with you for free through his daily eletter, Bill Bonner’s Diary. Bill’s letter is unlike anything else published in America today.

It’s like having a super-wealthy uncle share his best ideas and wisdom about business, relationships, investments, trends, developments, ideas and more.

And I’m honored to be able to share his insights with you for free as a Reality Health Check reader. Your first free issue is below. Then starting tomorrow, he will email you directly, so be sure to check your inbox (and double-check your junk folders, just in case)—so you don’t miss out on this valuable free service. And of course, if you don’t like what Bill has to say, you can always unsubscribe at any time.

But, if you’re like me, even if you’re not especially knowledgeable about investments and finance…I’m sure you’ll find Bill’s personal stories and thoughts to be as entertaining as they are helpful—and will come to look forward to them each day.

Wishing you all the best in health and wealth,

Karen Reddel
Dr. Pescatore’s Logical Health Alternatives

P.S. Please be sure to add Bill’s email address to your contacts list today in order to make sure you don’t miss an issue of Bill Bonner’s Diary. You won’t want to miss his family stories! I guarantee you’ll come to love them as much as I do. But of course, if you decide you don’t, you can easily unsubscribe at any time. And again, this is totally free to you as a reader of the Reality Health Check. All you have to do is check your email inbox for Bill Bonner’s Diary tomorrow, then sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Bill Bonner's Diary

Welcome to Bill Bonner's Diary


To ensure that future issues of Bill Bonner's Diary arrive in your inbox uninterrupted, please click here to whitelist us.

As Dr. Micozzi mentioned, what you read in the Diary will be unlike anything else you read on economics or investing.

Bill made a name for himself at the helm of the popular daily e-letter The Daily Reckoning and also as author of New York Times best-selling books Financial Reckoning Day, Empire of Debt, and Mobs, Messiahs and Markets.

But now Bill is going "rogue." That means no icon goes un-busted… and no subject is off limits (no matter how much it might offend some people).

Why go rogue? As Bill puts it:

We've learned over many years that what passes for "standard economics" is 90% nonsense. If you really want to figure out what is going on, you have to open your eyes and your ears… read your history… and think. Most people would rather die than think. And most do!

So, consider this a roguish affair. If you're the type that gets easily offended by out-of-consensus ideas, this is definitely not the place for you. And you most certainly are in the wrong place if you can't handle straight talking.

Our mission is simple: to try to catch a glimpse of truth from time to time… and in doing so be able to better align our investment strategy with what's really going on.

And best of all: It is absolutely free to read.

So, it's time to tear up the blah-blah and join Bill as he explores the dirty secrets… and dirty dealings… of economic life in the 21st century.

All you have to do now is keep an eye on your inbox and take a few moments to whitelist Bill Bonner's Diary to make sure you don't miss out as Bill takes on the Fed… the Department of the Treasury… the White House… Wall Street… and all the other dirty dealers, zombie bureaucrats and flimflam pushers out there.

Once again, welcome! We're delighted to have you onboard.


Will Bonner
Bonner & Partners