Every Dollar Will Be Matched
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Dear Antiwar.com Reader.

We have good news! A group of our generous friends has raised $40,000 to support Antiwar.com. But we need to match that number in individual donations to secure the funds and get closer to our goal of $100,000.

In the face of the new bipartisan $95 billion war bill, we have our work cut out for us. Antiwar.com's editors and contributors have been busy providing critical coverage and analysis of the US-backed Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, the proxy war in Ukraine, the new Cold War with China, and other hotspots around the world.

To continue this vital work, we need your help. Antiwar.com is able to maintain its uncompromising, independent editorial line because we are funded by our readers. We will also never put our content behind a paywall, so the information we provide can be shared far and wide.

This is an opportunity to double your support for Antiwar.com to help us fight against the War Party and continue being a thorn in the side of the US Empire.

Please make your tax-deductible donation today
and help us reach our goal!

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