If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. March 2022
Find out more about payments in Slovakia, the newly published guidelines on cryptographic algorithms usage and key management as well as the Request for Proposal to find an economic consultant for the definition of a possible business model for the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) Scheme.
And this is not all, find out more in our newest Rep(l)ay issue! We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC.

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In your opinion, which proximity technology will see the largest adoption for instant payments at the physical point of interaction in the coming 5 years?

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Insight The European Payments Council's 20th anniversary: the transformation of the European payments landscape

New interview with our Chair, Javier Santamaria, on the evolution of European payments and more particularly on the EPC’s key achievements, the digitalisation of payments and the payments future he envisages.

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Javier Santamaria

Chair of the European Payments Council

Insight Instant payments in Slovakia

How do you see the Slovak payment landscape developing over the coming five years? Answer to this and other questions you can find in our new interview and infographic.

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Milena Koreňová

CEO of the Slovak Banking Association

News Request for Proposal to find an Economic Consultant for the definition of a possible business model for the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) Scheme

Request for Proposal to find an economic consultant for the definition of a possible business model for the SPAA Scheme has been launched and runs until 22 April.

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News Guidelines on cryptographic algorithms usage and key management

Find out more about the new version of the guidelines on cryptographic algorithms usage and key management that aims at providing guidance to the European payments industry in this domain.

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Technical documents The SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG): Minutes and agendas, SPAA MSG Membership List

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