If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. February 2020
How BEUC summarises the current status and the degree of harmony across the EU regarding the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) implementation? What is the link between Bizum and SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst)? The answers to these and other questions you can find in the February issue of Rep(l)ay! We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC!

Highlight February 12, 2020 New poll on cash usage by 2025

In terms of the number of transactions, 78.8% of purchases at the POS were paid using cash in 2016 in the overall euro area. Give your view in our new poll on how it will change by 2025.

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Highlight February 1, 2020 EPC’s follow up on Brexit

From 1 February 2020, the UK ceases to be a Member State of the EU and becomes a non-European Economic Area (EEA) country. For the purposes of the EPC SEPA payment schemes, UK PSPs continue operating within the scope of the SEPA schemes. UK keeps complying with the relevant SEPA participation criteria as existing EU rules and regulations continue to apply in the UK.

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Insight February 24, 2020 PSD2 implementation: viewpoint of BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation

This interview belongs to a series representing the views of various stakeholders on the implementation of the PSD2. This time, we provide the perspective of European consumers by interviewing Jean Allix, special advisor to BEUC. Learn more about the European Consumer Organisation’s views on the current situation, its achievements and future evolution after the implementation deadline.

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Read also the previous interview on challenges for TPPs regarding PSD2 implementation.

Jean Allix

Special advisor to BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation

Insight February 13, 2020 Bizum: The Spanish instant mobile payment solution

Bizum is a payment service launched by Spanish banks in 2016 to allow users to conduct Person-to-Person (P2P) payments through a smartphone. We interviewed Fernando Rodríguez Ferrer, Head of Business Development at Bizum, to find out more about this digital initiative, which was built on the SCT Inst standard and is gaining traction in Spain.

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Fernando Rodríguez Ferrer

Head of Business Development at Bizum

Technical documents Overview SEPA Scheme Participants Status February 7, 2020

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