If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. April 2020
We are glad to announce that already 2258 payment service providers (PSPs) have as of April 2020 joined the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme, i.e. over 56% of European PSPs! Also, we have published the version 1.5 of the clarification paper on the 2019 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) and SCT Inst rulebooks that provides guidance and, where feasible, recommendations to scheme participants on how to handle situations that are not described in the rulebooks.
We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC!

Highlight COVID-19

In spite of these exceptional circumstances, we remain fully operational by phone (+32 2 733 35 33) and by e-mail ([email protected]) to help and address any question from or handle any matter raised by the EPC SEPA payment scheme participants, scheme applicants and payment end-users about the EPC SEPA payment scheme schemes, e.g. scheme adherence, complaint handling, Major Incident Reporting and any other SEPA payment-related matter. We hope that yourself, your family and your colleagues are safe and doing well.

Insight April 14, 2020 AFR – the Hungarian Retail Instant Payment System

Do you know that Hungarian banks launched a Hungarian Retail Instant Payment System based on the SCT Inst? Find it out in our new article:

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Dr Levente Kovács

Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association

News April 22, 2020 Around the web – a compilation of some interesting reports about payments published last quarter

Want to know more about the payments-related hot topics? During the first quarter of 2020, we have gathered a selection of interesting reports.

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News April 20, 2020 Results of the EPC poll on the average market share of cash at the POS by 2025 in the euro area

Do you remember voting at our poll on cash market share by 2025? Find out more about the results.

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April 9, 2020 New version of the Clarification Paper on SCT and SCT Inst

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Technical documents EPC Scheme Technical Forum (ESTF): Agenda and minutes of the 12th meeting April 16, 2020 EPC Scheme End-User Forum (SEUF): Agenda and minutes of the 10th meeting April 16, 2020 Request-to-Pay Multi-Stakeholder Group (RTP MSG): revised Terms of Reference, membership list, Agenda and minutes of the 1st and 2nd meetings - Phase 2 Overview SEPA Scheme Participants Status April 10, 2020 Clarification paper on SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Instant Credit Transfer rulebooks April 9, 2020 The ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group (MSG) on Mobile Initiated SEPA Credit Transfers, including instant transfers (MSG MSCT): Agenda and Minutes of the 9th meeting, member list EPC By-laws April 1, 2020 Guide for Adherence to the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme, the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme and the SEPA Direct Debit schemes April 1, 2020

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