If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. APRIL 2021
We are glad to announce that already 2,310 payment service providers (PSPs) have as of April 2021 joined the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme, i.e. over 58% of European PSPs! Also, the estimated share of SCT Inst volumes in total SEPA Credit Transfer volumes increased to 8,6% in Q1 2021 and we published a new graph showing this evolution on our homepage. Find out more below about the newest updates related to the SCT Inst scheme and the newly published request for proposal to find a service provider to establish and maintain the EPC Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) instance.
And this is not all: we have participated in a public consultation related to the European Commission’s initiative that will assess the need to foster pan-European market initiatives based on instant payments. Our response to the Commission’s instant payments inception impact assessment can be found
It is also worth noting that since 1 April 2021 the EPC counts one new member: the European Third Party Providers Association (ETTPA). Additionally, BFF Bank S.p.A. will be replacing the current member DEPObank (effective 1 May 2021). The EPC now represents 77 payment service providers or their associations from across SEPA.
We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC.

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Insight Instant payments in Bulgaria

Learn about instant payments in Bulgaria in this interview on our website, which includes an infographic.

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Miroslav Vichev

Chief Executive Officer at

Insight Empowering European payments with SCT Inst

November 2017 marked a major event in an increasingly instant world: the launch of the SCT Inst scheme. Where we are three and a half years on? Check our newest article.

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Estimated share of SCT Inst volumes in total SCT + SCT Inst volumes

News Request for Proposal to find a service provider to establish and maintain the EPC MISP instance

The request for proposal for the EPC MISP instance is now open! We invite candidates meeting the eligibility criteria to submit their applications by 28 May 2021.

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News Around the web – a compilation of some interesting reports about payments published last quarter

Easy way to keep you updated about topics related to payments: check our quarterly compilation of free reports.

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Infographic SCT Inst today (April 2021)

Technical documents The Request-To-Pay Multi-Stakeholder Group (RTP MSG): Agenda and minutes of the 1st meeting of the third phase Overview SEPA Scheme Participants Status

Document Library

MEDIA CORNER EU Banking Trade Group Presses The Issue On Instant Payments

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