Library Journal Xpress
AD: American Psychological Association
November 14, 2017
November 2017 Elections November 2017 Elections Bring Large and Small Wins for Libraries
By Lisa Peet
Of 36 library measures tracked by LJ and EveryLibrary, a national nonprofit political action committee for libraries, 27 passed, three failed, and six were too early to call at press time.
Straight from the Source Straight from the Source | Innovation
By Jennifer A. Dixon
Libraries possess a not-so-secret weapon when it comes to assessing the needs of their patrons—the frontline staff who engage with their communities every day.
Bloomsbury Cultural History Sign up for a free trial of Bloomsbury Cultural History!

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A Queen From The North Indie Ebook Award Winners 2017
By Kate DiGirolomo
The third annual LJ Indie Ebook Awards has now come to a close. Committees of librarians—plus the authors of some of last year’s winners—volunteered their time to evaluate hundreds of submissions and determine the best ebooks self-publishing has to offer in Sf/Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, and YA.
MIT Slavery Project Faculty and Archives Partner on MIT and Slavery Project
By Lisa Peet
One of the newest courses on offer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is “MIT and Slavery,” collaboratively taught by Steven Craig Wilder, Barton L. Weller Professor of History, and Nora Murphy, archivist for reference, outreach, and instruction.
new patrons reside in your service area Improve online registration and ensure new patrons reside in your service area

eCARD provides immediate address and name verification features for online patron registration forms. eCARD offers fine-grained controls for eligibility and access requirements and is customized to fit your library’s policies and website. Options to integrate 3rd party data, such as tax records. Forms and patron messaging customized for your library.

Get more info on eCARD and request a demo!›››
Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ Hanging out with Frank Lloyd Wright, Mary Wong, and Jack Gantos #AASL17
By Daryl Grabarek
An #AASL pre-conference tour offered an opportunity to visit a National Historic Landmark and an extraordinary collection of children’s book art.
"They spent the time talking neighbor-to-neighbor and voter-to-voter about the value system in the community that includes the library at the center."
Flora the Dress-up Fairy Reading Is Its Own Reward | One Cool Thing
By Meredith Schwartz
Iowa’s Lake City Public Library has found a clever way to honor and reward summer reading participants while presenting reading as an intrinsically pleasurable activity.
Information & Media Literacy Information & Media Literacy: Skills Needed in Today’s World

Extraordinary digital innovation has brought about a global information society and has radically changed information access and standards of authority and reliability — straining the educational and labor market infrastructures needed to confront this change. Read the LearningExpress-sponsored white paper on skills needed in today’s world to decipher information sources.

Steven Bell Five Trends Changing Higher Education That Librarians Need to Watch | From the Bell Tower
By Steven Bell
Higher education has a reputation for staying the same. That’s never been more of a myth than right now.
Eugene Perkins Useni Eugene Perkins On Adapting His Iconic Poem into Picture Book Form
By Mahnaz Dar
The acclaimed poet, playwright, author, and activist discusses the origins of “Hey Black Child” and the work’s new format.
Customized Library Services Customized Library Services by Baker & Taylor

By partnering with Baker & Taylor’s Customized Library Services, the Gail Borden Library in Elgin, IL, was able to find efficiencies that resulted in cost savings for their taxpayers, increased staff time, and shorter wait times for patrons.

Find out how…Read the case study…›››
The End Game Run Your Week: Big Books, Sure Bets, & Titles Making News | Book Pulse
By Neal Wyatt
End Game by David Baldacci leads the holds count at the start of the week and the #1 LibraryReads November pick and the #1 Indie Next December selection hit shelves.
Rasika International Flavors | Wyatt’s World
By Neal Wyatt
The Cookbook Countdown continues with works to inspire a global twist on Thanksgiving dinner.
Xpress Reviews

Lies Jane Austen Told Me In fiction, Julie Wright's Lies Jane Austen Told Me "is a cute play on the world of Jane Austen and those who love her. The romance is sweet as sugar and takes a while to resolve, allowing for a bit of will she or won’t she (or he, for that matter)." In nonfiction, the "message of 'stubborn positivity'" in Craig Grossi's Craig & Fred: A Marine, a Stray Dog, and How They Rescued Each Other "is subtle and therein lies its appeal. [Grossi] brings readers into the day-to-day experiences of being deployed during conflict, without romanticizing or demonizing the people involved." Ray Fawkes's Underwinter, Vol. 1, Symphony is this week's starred graphic novel. "Eisner nominee Fawkes’s (Intersect; Gotham by Midnight) latest work is an overture of mythological imaginings, delicately rendered in impressionistic watercolor that perfectly matches the esoteric tale of performance and magic. Highly recommended." And in e-originals, Shona Husk's Maid of Ice, the third title in the "Blood & Silver" series, is "smooth and suspenseful, with just enough sexual tension.... This should appeal to those who enjoy their paranormal with a decent plot."

image What is Design Thinking?

From space planning, redesigning services and staffing, to developing more user-centric approaches, design thinking can help you problem-solve through ingenuity and creativity, and better understand and serve your patrons. Our introductory online workshop, Demystifying Design Thinking is designed for library professionals who want to take a fresh approach to tackling their library’s challenges through human-centered design.
Job Zone Job Zone utilizes unique job matching technology to help you find the perfect job (and employers find the perfect candidate), whether you’re actively seeking or just keeping an eye out for your possibilities. Log on today and check out our newest features, including automated job and candidate matches, and email alerts.
University of North Carolina School of the Arts seeks a University Librarian
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