Monday, September 25, 2017 |
Today's Economy Economic Roundup: Spotlight on Geopolitical Risk Odds are that it will continue to climb, but the immediate economic costs are unclear. Costs and Benefits of Fed’s Policy for Latin America The best protection is for countries to continue to reduce their main macroeconomic imbalances. Geopolitical Risk Is on the Rise Germany elections, Japan's snap elections, and North Korea tensions are causes for concern. Merkel’s Bitter Victory Despite winning the election, Merkel lost support and is facing a difficult coalition talks. » VIEW MORE TODAY'S ECONOMY
Commentary U.K. Outlook: BoE Should Resist Raising Rates in November Wage growth remains subpar, and the jump in inflation will prove temporary. U.S. Chartbook: Central Banking Isn’t Easy Unwinding the FOMC’s balance sheet has implications for real estate markets, household wealth and trade. U.S. Consumer Outlook: More Uncertainty Ahead Income growth and hurricane rebuilding will be important supports, but risks are large. U.S. Weekly Highlights and Preview, September 22, 2017 Incoming data will provide clues on third quarter U.S. GDP growth but the hurricanes add considerable uncertainty. » VIEW MORE COMMENTARY
Today's Economic Indicators
United States Black Knight Home Price Index Jul. 2017: 6.2% House prices are rising at a brisk pace, according to the Black Knight house price index. United States Chicago Fed National Activity Index Aug. 2017: -0.31 The pace of U.S. economic growth moved downward in August. Mexico Economic Activity Index Jul. 2017: 1.0% Mexico’s economic activity moderated in July dragged down by the persistent industrial weakness. World Moody's Analytics Survey of Business Confidence September 22: 30.8 Global business confidence remains strong and stable, as it has for the past year. United States Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey Sep. 2017: 21.3 Texas manufacturers were surprisingly positive about current conditions in the September Texas Manufacturing Outlook survey. South Korea Consumer Sentiment Index Sep. 2017: New Zealand Foreign Trade Aug. 2017: » VIEW MORE ECONOMIC INDICATORS |
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