News from ECHA
List of notifications updated We have updated the list of substance and product-type combinations for which a compliant notification for inclusion in the Review Programme has been made.
The list also includes the names of the notifying companies to help you collaborate when submitting an application for approval of the active substance and to help avoid unnecessary testing on animals. |
Reminder: ECHA’s new data availability system – Part II Join the second part of our webinar series on ECHA's new data availability system on Thursday 19 October 2023, 11:00-12:00 Helsinki time.
During the event, we will give a demo on how to navigate the new system, showcasing its initial features. You will also learn about the transition timeline from the current chemicals database to the new system. |
Commission proposes measures to reduce microplastic pollution from plastic pellets The European Commission proposes for the first time measures to prevent microplastic pollution from the unintentional release of plastic pellets. The proposal aims to ensure that all operators handling pellets in the EU take the necessary precautionary measures.
This is expected to reduce pellet release by up to 74 %, leading to cleaner ecosystems, contributing to plastic-free rivers and ocean, and reducing potential risks to human health. |
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