News from ECHA
New format for list numbers Each substance registered or notified under REACH or CLP needs an identifier. If a substance is not identified by an EC number and has not been previously notified or registered, REACH-IT assigns a new list number to the substance.
We will update the list number format around early summer 2025 as numbers in the current format are soon running out. The new format will keep the current length, but will change from numeric to alphanumeric.
Example of the current format: 100-000-1.Example of the new format: A00-001-5.Companies may need to take action to adapt their recording systems outside REACH-IT to accommodate the new format. List numbers assigned before the format change will not be affected. |
Topics page on cyclosiloxanes D4, D5, D6 Have a look at our new topical page on cyclosiloxanes D4, D5, D6. It provides information on their properties, uses and related concerns as well as an overview on what the EU is doing to regulate them. New Approach Methods (NAMs) for human health hazard assessment Researchers and scientists from regulatory agencies in Europe, Singapore, Canada and the US have developed new methods to predict hazards of chemicals with limited toxicity testing data.
For the recently published case study, data was generated and interpreted for 200 substances using methods including in silico and in vitro NAMs. The presented approach may reduce animal testing in the future by using NAMs for assessing hazards to human health. Regulatory scientists can use it to consider: what is needed for building a test battery to address more complex toxicological endpoints;what is the current performance of such approach;what are the realistic expectations regarding optimal performance; andwhat are the deficiencies of the current approach. The study was carried out under the Accelerating the Pace of Chemical Risk Assessment (APCRA), which is a consortium for international research and regulatory scientists. Maintenance break: 21-24 March 2025 We will carry out some maintenance work on our websites and IT tools. The following services will not be available from Friday 21 March at 18:00 to Monday 24 March 2025 at 12:00 (Helsinki time): ECHA websites - break starting already at 17:00 Helsinki time;ECHA Accounts portal affecting the login to ePIC, ECHA Cloud Services, R4PB 3, REACH-IT, Interact Portal, IUCLID, Text Analytics, Poison Centres Notification System (PCN), Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP), Data Integration Platform, Dissemination, Collaboration Tool and EFSA IT Services.We apologise for the inconvenience. |
Annulment of C&L notifications for registered substances As of July 2025, we will change the status of active Classification & Labelling (C&L) notifications, submitted on behalf of a group of manufacturers or importers (group of MIs), to ‘annulled’ if the lead notifier has successfully registered the same substance under the REACH Regulation. To avoid annulment, contact the other notifiers in your group of MIs to identify a new lead notifier to take over the lead role. The notification can be transferred free of charge to the new lead any time before July 2025 by using the legal entity change functionality in REACH-IT. Consultations on harmonised classification and labelling We are looking for comments on the harmonised classification and labelling proposals for: potassium bromate (EC 231-829-8, CAS 7758-01-2);sodium bromate (EC 232-160-4, CAS 7789-38-0); andReaction products of ammonium bromide and sodium hypochlorite, generated in-situ (EC -, CAS -).Have your say until 9 May 2025. New intentions and proposals to harmonise classification and labelling Intentions have been submitted for:
2-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol; tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol (EC -, CAS -); and maleic acid (EC 203-742-5, CAS 110-16-7).
Proposals have been submitted for: 1-methylimidazole (EC 210-484-7, CAS 616-47-7); andimidazole hydrobromide (EC 483-310-2, CAS 101023-55-6).Committee opinions on harmonised classification and labelling We have published opinions of our Committee for Risk Assessment for: 1H-Pyrazole, 3,4-dimethyl-, phosphate (1:1) (EC 424-640-9, CAS 202842-98-6); 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol (EC 219-470-5, CAS 2440-22-4); 2-ethylhexyl (2E)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)acrylate (EC 629-661-9, CAS 83834-59-7); 3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole (EC 429-130-1, CAS 2820-37-3); Acetophenone (EC 202-708-7, CAS 98-86-2); dichloromethane; methylene chloride (EC 200-838-9, CAS 75-09-2); Ethylene bis[3,3-bis(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)butyrate] (EC 251-073-2, CAS 32509-66-3); fluazaindolizine (ISO); 8-chloro-N-[(2-chloro-5-methoxyphenyl)sulfonyl]-6-(trifluoromethyl)imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine-2-carboxamide [DPX-Q8U80] (EC 832-861-0, CAS 1254304-22-7); and Sulcotrione (EC 619-394-6, CAS 99105-77-8).
Board of Appeal
Appeal against substance evaluation decision dismissed Case A-012-2023 concerned an appeal against a decision on the substance evaluation of 1-[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl]-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propane-1,3-dione. The decision requested information on an amphibian metamorphosis assay (AMA) to clarify a concern related to endocrine disrupting properties in the environment. In dismissing the appeal, the Board of Appeal rejected the appellant’s arguments that the Agency had committed errors regarding the information to be considered in the evaluation and the time-limits to adopt the decision.
The appellant’s claim that the Agency committed errors of assessment in deciding, based on all available evidence, that there is a potential hazard related to endocrine disruption was also rejected.
European Commission
Biocides decisions on Union authorisations and active substances The Commission has granted Union authorisations for: the biocidal product family 'Orochemie hand disinfectants'; andthe single biocidal product 'SatPax® 70/30 IPA'.The Commission has also renewed the approval of active substance: dinotefuran for product-type 18.Read more about the product-types on our website.