EBF MORNING BRIEF     Tuesday 27 September 2022


Good morning. Here are the top news stories and events in European banking, financial regulation and EU policy, brought to you by the European Banking Federation. 

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Reuters: Banks in the euro zone will have to raise provisions to cope with economic slowdown

As reported by Reuters, banks in the eurozone will have to raise provisions to cope with the consequences of the economic slowdown due to the fallout from Russia's war in Ukraine. "We are already trying to get the banks to bring forward their plans because it is going to have an impact without a doubt," European Central Bank (ECB) Vice-president Luis De Guindos said. Read more

CoinDesk: ECB exploring DLT for interbank settlements

The European Central Bank (ECB) is looking at "the potential" of distributed ledger technology (DLT) in improving the efficiency of interbank settlements, said Fabio Panetta, a member of the executive board. Panetta made a case for a system that builds on the ECB's existing infrastructure for wholesale settlements instead of building a new one based entirely on DLT, CoinDesk reports. Read more

Bloomberg: Lagarde says ECB rates to be lifted for ‘several meetings’

The European Central Bank (ECB) will continue increasing borrowing costs, even with economic activity expected to “slow substantially,” according to President Christine Lagarde. According to Bloomberg, ECB officials say economic weakness won’t stop them from lifting rates further. Read more



For a full-year overview of key financial regulation events: click here 



BdB: Economic forecast of the banking association

According to the economic forecast of the Association of German Banks (BdB), the German economy slides into recession in winter. For the coming year, the banking association expects gross domestic product to fall by 1.3%. Read more (DE)


UK Finance: Families fleeing Ukraine to gain access to banking facilities

The UK banking sector has taken steps to ensure that Ukrainian families living in the UK can open bank accounts without difficulty and organisations have implemented changes to policies and processes to assist people. In particular, UK Finance members have made sure that refugees have access to support information and guidance. Read more 

FBF: Employment in banks

The French Banking Federation (FBF) published a Memo on employment in banks. French banks appears to be among the main employers in the private sector, and offers sustainable and increasingly qualified jobs. As the profile of employment is in full transformation, core issues as training and professional integration, gender equality and social dialogue have become subjects on which the banks are committed. Read more (FR)



ECB: Demystifying wholesale central bank digital currency

Executive Board member of the European Centreal Bank (ECB), Fabio Panetta, took part at the Symposium on “Payments and Securities Settlement in Europe – today and tomorrow” hosted by the Deutsche Bundesbank. He talked about wholesale central bank digital currency and modernising the payment infrastructure underpinning our financial system to meet evolving user demands. Read more

ESMA: Consultation paper on market outages

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) consults on how National Competent Authorities (NCA) should ensure that trading venues have appropriate communication protocols in case of a market outage. The consultation paper seeks feedback from market participants on its proposed guidance, which will apply to equity markets and, where applicable, to non-equity instruments. Read more

BIS: EU framework for macroprudential supervision through BBMs

Luigi Federico Signorini, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy debated on the initiatives foreseen by the European Commission in the field of borrower-based measures (BBMs). "Wherever the legislative process ends up, the rules on BBMs should be as cross-cutting and ‘activity-based’ as possible," he says in a speech published by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Read more


New EBF Vacancies! Work with us!

Visit our Vacancies page to learn more about the opening positions at the EBF. Read more

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The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The federation is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Website: www.ebf.eu

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