| BY JESSICA WILLIAMS | Capitol News Bureau Editor |
Deadly 'super fog': State officials didn't shut down interstates before a "super fog" caused vehicular crashes and several deaths Monday because they have no policy that requires shutdowns in foggy situations, Sam Karlin reports. Drivers caught in the fog say the state should have closed bridges anyway. I-10 bridge dead? State lawmakers on Tuesday killed a deal to replace an aging Interstate 10 bridge near Calcasieu Parish after truckers decried the tolls that would have partly financed it, James Finn reports. It's unclear if the new bridge will be built. Johnson for Speaker? U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson, R-Benton, on Tuesday became the fourth Republican House member this month to claim the title of speaker-designate, Mark Ballard reports. But it's unclear if enough of his colleagues will back him for the job. Without a leader, the House can't get work done. |