Premium Readings  

Hi friend,
Can you feel that positive energy in the air? As the brilliant sun opposes lucky Jupiter today, you can probably already sense that everything is on the verge of falling into place. You may have some loose ends to tie up, but you aren’t far from cashing in.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, though, because it’s that very thought of 'hey, look how good I’m doing', that can cause it to all come crashing down! Letting good fortune go to your head is one drawback of this transit, so your challenge is to find the necessary balance between being confident that your ship has come in while remaining thankful that it has.

And luckily, there’s a Tarot reading that can help broaden your gratefulness. Based on the ancient Kabballah, a Tree of Life Tarot Reading expands your subconscious and helps you access the important areas of your life and maximize your potential. When you humbly accept the wisdom that the Tree of Life has to offer, your graciousness is rewarded – which is important on a day like today.


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