This weekend’s solar eclipse and new moon won’t last long, and neither will this deal...
Celebrate the final solar eclipse of the year |
This weekend’s solar eclipse and new moon bring a spirit of adventure and reflection. Keep that lunar energy going and supercharge your healthy intentions with Outside+. Enjoy 40% off membership, now through Sunday! Outside+ offers endless inspiration and resources to help you achieve your goals. | Two yoga flows and a guided meditation that can boost the strength of your intentions. You can think of the new moon as “day zero,” a dark phase in the lunar cycle where we can use our yoga practices to help us turn inward and plant the seeds of our intentions. | Also known as the "seat of the soul," this little gland that you've probably never heard of influences thirst, hunger, sleep, and many other crucial body processes. | You are receiving this Oxygen Magazine Special Offers email because you are subscribed to Oxygen, which is a part of the Outside Network. Oxygen Home | Outside+ Outside | 1600 Pearl Street | Boulder | Colorado | 80302 | USA Email Preferences Privacy Policy |