It's a type of investment that appears during every crisis, which could make you 10 times your money, if you get in immediately.


Here is a new $7 stock recommendation... it was uncovered by a Boston professor whose recommendations in 2020 alone (the last time we saw a shake-up) could have made you 9 times your money... tripled your money twice... and doubled your money... for a 123% average gain on all his picks.

– Steve

Don't Miss This $7 Recommendation

I'm sharing an urgent $7 stock recommendation (ticker inside).

It's a type of investment that appears during every crisis, which could make you 10 times your money, if you get in immediately.

"10 times your money" might sound like B.S. to you...

But the last time I applied this approach – during the 2020 shake-up – we saw a 123% average gain on ALL of our recommendations.

Altogether, you could have made 9 times your money... tripled your money twice... and doubled your money with an investment approach so accurate, I've taught it to the FBI.

Today, most people are too scared to even consider this tiny company.

But the last time we were this excited about a stock... we recommended Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) in Barron's before it shot up 6,000%.

Click here for the full briefing.


Prof. Joel Litman, CPA
Chief Investment Strategist
Predicted 2008 and 2020 Crashes
Lectured at U.S. Pentagon, FBI, Harvard, Wharton
123% average gain in 2020
Founder, Altimetry
Cambridge, MA