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AdLit Beat: All About Adolescent Literacy
"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 

Happy Fall AdLit Readers,
It's hard to believe that you are well into another school year. As you sink into your fall sweaters and sip pumpkin spice lattes, take a moment to review what we've been putting our finishing touches on over the summer and early fall to support you and your students: AdLit 101 modules, text sets, author interviews, a podcast on Trauma and Resilience, and much more.


Carrie Simkin, PhD
Director, AdLit

Let's Celebrate: Hispanic Heritage Month                                                                                  

Celebrate the brilliant diversity and unique perspectives within our Hispanic students, families, and communities.
Check out our many resources!

   Podcast: Trauma and Resilience

The Trauma and Resilience: Podcast and Video Series explores topics related to trauma-informed teaching in schools.
Recent Episodes
Episode 106: “Indigenous Education and the Power of Stories” with Leilani Sabzalian, PhD

Episode 108: “Trauma-Responsive Education Support Professionals” with Petra Burkard, RN

Episode 109: “Supporting Refugee Students” with Sara Rowbottom

Episode 110: “Mental Health Supports in Schools and Communities” with Teri B. Lawler, EdD, LPCMH

AdLit 101: Motivating Adolescent Learners

When teaching older students, the challenge isn’t just to provide engaging and thoughtful instruction but also to help them build confidence in their abilities and curiosity for learning.

We often assume unmotivated or disengaged students have trouble reading and writing but that’s not always true. How do we engage the disengaged and support their varying literacy needs?

Learn more about key aspects of motivating adolescent learners in our AdLit 101 Module: Motivating Adolescent Learners.

     In the Classroom: Teaching With         
            Text Sets

A text set utilizes a collection of texts and other materials on a particular topic or theme that allows students to access the same curricula from varying perspectives while building a shared understanding.

It's also a really fun and enriching way to teach and learn!

Up with AdLit
Do you or your students need a mid-week pick me up?

We are finding inspiration in the stories, characters, and journeys with middle grade and young adult literature. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to see our weekly Up with AdLit posts or find them on the bottom of our homepage!


     In the Classroom: Empowering     
            Student Perspectives Through

From our award-winning teacher blogger, Jessica Lander, comes a post on Empowering Student Perspectives Through Op-Eds.

Lander encourages her students to "connect the past to the present, asking students 
— like those who came before them  to advocate for issues they care about in their community today.

Lander's blog, "Making History," is made possible through AdLit.org's partnership with The Grateful American Foundation.
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We want to hear from you. Have you created resources you would like to share with other educators on AdLit? Is there content you would like to see featured on our site or in our monthly newsletter? Please send us your ideas. We are eager to hear from you!
A special thanks to the National Education Association for their support of AdLit.org. Their generous grant affirms the NEA's commitment to literacy, equity, and achievement for all of our students.
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