Does Insurance Cover That? From Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Cats By Debi Schmitz Noriega A well-balanced person is one who finds both sides of an issue laughable. ~Herbert Procknow After unpacking my suitcase, I carried my dirty clothes to our lower-level laundry room. Walking through my son's bedroom on the way to the laundry, I had that peculiar feeling that something wasn't right. I travel for business quite often, so I'm accustomed to a few surprises upon return, such as toppled plants, hairballs and cat-hair tumbleweeds chasing me around the house. There's always hair on the couch, which the cats aren't supposed to nap on. As the primary guardian of Colby and Lance, two adult male cats, I've come to appreciate and accept the quirky things they do when I'm gone. (Keep reading) |