Has your church ever experienced financial misconduct? We know that it can be hard to believe issues like embezzlement and fraud happen in the church.
Church Law & Tax
Church Law & Tax Survey
Hi Friend,

Has your church ever experienced financial misconduct? We know that it can be hard to believe issues like embezzlement and fraud happen in the church. Unfortunately, the reality is that it does. But why don’t we hear more about it?

Church management experts have contended that up to 90 percent of churches don’t report a discovered embezzlement.

However, one thing is clear. We cannot properly prevent financial misconduct if we do not know what is happening, how it happens, and how often.

Church Law & Tax wants to help churches with this issue. That's why we are conducting a nationwide survey to uncover the state of financial risk in the church and understand how churches tackle prevention. Can we count on your participation?

Please take 12 minutes to complete the survey. As a "thank you" for completing the survey, you'll receive a free copy of the Preventing High-Tech Fraud eBook.

More Than a Matter of
More Than a Matter of Trust

Embezzlement happens. Check out this collection to learn more about what you need to know to protect your church.

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