From: Stock Gumshoe<[email protected]>
Subject: Checking in on cancer with Doc Gumshoe
Preheader: Michael's latest
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October 8, 2018
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Dear Valued Reader,

I'm back after a few days of field-trip chaperoning, but am finishing up the overdue Friday File for our favorite people (you know who you are!)... so for today's missive I turn you over to Doc Gumshoe, who's got an update on where we are in the world of cancer research and progress (or lack thereof).  Anyone who invests in biotechs that hope to cure cancer should understand the general landscape and some of the science, of course, as should anyone whose life is touched by cancer... and that's pretty much everyone, so just read it already...

A little-known Canadian company just unlocked what some experts think could be the key to profiting off the coming marijuana boom. Because a game-changing deal just went down and that company now has the opportunity to rake in profits...

We here at The Motley Fool are convinced we’re only in the VERY early days of this company’s trajectory.

Find out now.


There's been a lot of discussion at Stock Gumshoe about the latest wave of "special report" ads from the Motley Fool, including one that talks up a "tiny black box that could eliminate cable" and another one that's a play on "cable TV's ticking time bomb" ... so I thought I'd dig in and make sure we have some clarity and some decent Thinkolator answers about these world-changing stocls... so what's the story? Just click here for that one.

Quite a few of my internet friends sent along questions about this "first trillion dollar patent" that Matt McCall is saying will "release the largest royalty payments ever known" ... perhaps because they  know I'm a sucker for royalties (and any other lazy investment, frankly).  So what's he pitching, and should we be getting excited?  Just click below to...

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