Dear John,
We are all in sales. For some of us it's in our job description. For all of us we are selling ideas, convictions, and
concepts that we hope will influence others.
Question: Is what we are selling what the buyer wants and needs?
We often sell: Products Services Software Price Etc.
Our customers buy: Peace of mind A better life Improved performance Increased happiness
The problem is, our lists don't match!
We need to sell what our prospects want!
A special shout-out to Ziglar Sales Trainer/Speaker
Bryan Flanagan for constantly reminding me of this.
Oh, and check out Bryan's audio program, The Selling Difference,
and get 50% off the MP3 with coupon code BRYAN.
You are Born To Win, so go ahead and Live To Win!
P.S. Quote of the Day: "Now go out and sell somebody something!" Zig Ziglar
P.P.S. The concepts found in The Selling Difference are transferable to various
jobs and scenarios. Invest in the future of your career today!