January 15, 2025 Editor's Note: The message below from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at.In Russia, almost every city and town has nuclear-hardened survival bunkers large enough to fit their entire population4. Recently, they’ve been upgraded and stocked with food, water, beds, medical supplies and more. Rumor has it that every Russian citizen knows where these bunkers are, and they know the exact warnings that signal them to head underground. So I have a question for you… Do you know where your nearest nuclear survival bunker is? If incoming nukes were detected, would you get an early warning? Would they let you into the bunker? Does the bunker even exist? Here’s my point… World War 3 is closer than ever. We can’t count on the Biden administration to keep us safe… or even make basic preparations for this horrifying scenario. That’s why I created this free video. You’ll discover what I (Teddy Daniels, Army combat veteran and survivalist) am doing to prepare for ww3 and keep my family safe – even in a worst-case scenario. It has nothing to do with stockpiling freeze-dried food, gold coins, or guns and ammo. But I believe it’s the single most important step you can take to ensure long-term survival. Be warned, the information in this video is extremely controversial, and it could get censored at any moment. I urge you to watch it before it’s too late. Your family’s survival may depend on it. Stay Ready, Teddy Daniels
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