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We're looking for the most innovative executives in digital media who excel in digital content, marketing, advertising, social media, and online content to take their place on Cynopsis Digital's "It List." These are the people who shake up the status quo and are shaping digital media's future. We want you to be a part of it!    
Nominate before August 1st to lock down our lowest rates and for a chance to be on this prestigious list of digital innovators.
Click here for a full list of last year's finalists.
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get on the list
In addition to receiving this prestigious award, finalists will join their industry peers on Friday, November 10th at ThreeSixty in NYC to honor their excellence in online video content, advertising, and talent. 

For entry and event questions, please contact:
Cathy Pearson | (203) 899-8470

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact: 
Mike Farina | (203) 218-6480