August 6, 2022

News, products, marketing and merchandising tips for the
front end of community pharmacies

Designs for Health

Come and get it!

Facebook group questions, emails, and even chats from NCPA members suggest to us that we need to send an important reminder. We mention it at the bottom of every issue of Profit Makers, this issue we're leading with it. The Front-End Overhaul section of the NCPA website is absolutely packed with tips, pictures, and ideas for the front-end of your store. When is the last time you looked around? We can't imagine you not finding something that won't be a true profit maker.

waiting room

What month is it?

August is National Immunization Awareness Month and National Wellness Month. The photo section of your Business Facebook page needs to feature photos of your consult or vaccine room(s). Make sure the rooms are spotless and look inviting. While you are at it, make sure to cross merchandise some immune boosters in the room.

Got to give it to cold and allergies

August is the month that merchandisers revitalize the Cold and Allergy sections. Place lip balm, thermometers, medicine spoons, medicine droppers, and all-natural lozenges on clip strips. On the endcap near the section have vaporizers, humidifiers, and facial tissues. Adjust the planogram flex space to promote your pharmacist's recommended vitamins and large bottles of hand sanitizer. Don't forget the oldie but a goodie tip: cross merchandise premium toothbrushes with the sign, "Throw those germs away! Time for a new toothbrush."

before and after

Faded, out-of-date, cluttered?

A year ago, we encouraged you to make use of the walls along your drive thru. How are those signs looking? Are they current? While you're outside looking, make sure the physical exterior of the front of your store looks alive, sparkling clean and inviting. A cobweb here, a soiled sidewalk there, and burnt-out lightbulb everywhere screams, "We are hurting, we may not be here tomorrow!" Or at the very least, it screams, "We don't care." Stop and check the front of your building every day!

There is a "me" in Team

Summer pharmacy shows remind us of how impactful getting together can be. Learning from peers, problem solving, picking up new ideas and how to implement them. The NCPA Annual Convention brings it all together with diverse suppliers, technology and service providers, and manufacturers. The benefits to be gained from being in Kansas City this year accrue to every type of person who attends, including owners, staff pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other pharmacy services support staff. Don't try to do it all yourself. Your business takes a team, and so does the NCPA Annual Convention.

Front End Resources for NCPA Members

Being a member of NCPA means you have access to a treasure trove of helpful hints, tips, and resources to make your front end more profitable! Download One-Pager Tips on a variety of topics. The Overhaul of Fame galleries contain hundreds of photos to inspire you, from effective signs to successful end-caps and everything in between. Finally, you and your staff can access several staff training videos that will help you take an objective view of your store, both inside and out!

This wealth of knowledge is due to the fantastic photos, ideas, and suggestions we receive every day from NCPA members like you.

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