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February 17, 2022
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Trust In Food Symposium Hosts Thought Leadership For The Next Phase of Conservation Adoption

This week, we gathered with more than 100 of our closest friends and colleagues in Nashville at the 5th annual Trust In Food Symposium. Themed around a “Climate-Smart State of Mind,” more than 30 leaders representing every facet of the value chain and regenerative ag community shared their best thinking on how we must evolve to meet the challenges in front of us.

My biggest takeaway from the full day of conversations is this: What got us here won’t get us there. In other words, engaging mainstream or middle-adopter producers at scale is going to take a fresh set of approaches and perspectives. We heard from a number of folks who are already taking action, from farmer organizations and food companies organizing farmer-to-farmer learning for dairy, to agribusinesses introducing biologicals to complement and provide alternatives to synthetic inputs; to technology companies and NGOs building a robust digital ecosystem and creating financial risk-sharing capabilities across the value chain.

The conversation reinforced the key finding of a new report we launched together with Field to Market at our Symposium. Our work together shows there is a Golden Triangle of approaches that work together synergistically: technical assistance, innovative financing and keen attention to the human dimensions of change.

“Human dimensions” sounds like new terminology, but it’s actually a stunningly simple idea. It means tailoring our solutions to meet each individual producer's wants and needs. The information, technology and approaches exist to do so. And based on our conversations during the past three days, I’m confident we have the will to do so within the regenerative ag community as well.

One final note: Be sure to register for next week’s free, all-virtual Symposium featuring 10 great new speakers and much more climate-smart ag content and analysis. We’ll hear from global food retailer Walmart about its journey to becoming a regenerative company; visit with NRCS executives about the agency’s commitment to building a more inclusive U.S. agriculture system that supports historically underserved producers; and learn from farmers, organizations and researchers on the cutting edge of scaling climate-smart solutions. See you online!

Yours in regenerative ag,
Amy Skoczlas Cole
Executive Vice President, Trust In Food™

Dissecting USDA’s $1 Billion For Climate-Smart Commodities
Shared by David Frabotta, manager of climate-smart ag interactive programming, Trust in Food: The agency's announcement encourages the sustainability community to form partnerships that incentivize practice change, measurement and the development of new commodity markets.
Educator Helps Students Find Direction Through Agriculture With Help From NRCS
Shared by Ryan Heiniger, director of America’s Conservation Ag Movement, Trust in Food: This urban farming project in Indianapolis is a classroom for the next generation of conservation agriculturalists and provides the community with a place to go to get greens. 

News We’re Following


Field to Market Unveils Blueprints For Financial Innovation to Accelerate Sustainable Agriculture

Shared by David Frabotta, manager of climate-smart ag interactive programming, Trust in Food: This comprehensive report developed in collaboration with the Environmental Defense Fund, American Farm Bureau Federation and others explores unique mechanisms to compensate farmers for practice change. One of my favorites: PepsiCo will pay for buy-up insurance if farmers agree to set nitrogen to maximum return to nitrogem (MRTN) ranges on corn. 


6 Black Conservationists and Environmental Activists to Celebrate (Via The Nature Conservancy)

Shared by David Frabotta, manager of climate-smart ag interactive programming, Trust in Food: This historical and contemporary look at Black leaders in agriculture and conservation provides a glimpse into their legacies and the foundational work that has inspired new leaders and conservation programs. 


Voluntary Stewardship Program Provides Best Path To Practice Change (Via Washington Policy Center)

Shared by David Frabotta, manager of climate-smart ag interactive programming, Trust in Food: "The Voluntary Stewardship Program provides the best opportunity for agricultural producers to maintain food production on their farms while also being encouraged to follow their moral and ethical compass by creating areas in which wildlife can find shelter from development and other threats to its existence, " explains Pam Lewison, director, Initiative on Agriculture, at the Washington state nonprofit. In this post, she explains how a state law designed to encourage holistic conservation might be expanded to strike the right balance between wildlife stewardship and the economic interests of people who work the land. 

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