How to Write a Cozy Mystery One of the most beloved genres of crime fiction, “cozies,” are named for the teapot cover designed to keep the water hot, a nod to the genre’s creator, Agatha Christie. Authors of cozies promise readers fair-play puzzles with amateur sleuths and a familiar pattern. With this tutorial, you’ll understand the basics of cozy mysteries and how to write your own. This tutorial is taught by Jane K. Cleland. Jane writes the multiple award-winning Josie Prescott Antiques Mystery series (St. Martin’s Minotaur), which is often reviewed as an Antiques Roadshow for mystery fans. “Josie” stories have also appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. Jane has published four nonfiction books. Jane chairs the Black Orchid Novella Award, is a past chapter president of the Mystery Writers of America, New York Chapter, and served on the national board. Additionally, Jane is the host of the Writer’s Room, a series of interviews with authors and industry professionals that appears on cable television and online (BronxNet). In this 58-minute video tutorial, you’ll discover: The four standards of cozy mysteries How to recognize and implement the genre conventions of “cozies” into your writing The difference between cozy mysteries and thrillers How to respect your readers’ expectations Preview: How to Write a Cozy Mystery Writer's Digest Tutorials Members enjoy full access to all tutorials featured in this newsletter, as well as every tutorial on the tutorials site. For only $199 you gain access to all Writer's Digest's writing tutorials for an entire year. That means you have access to all 283+ current tutorials and all the new tutorials created throughout the year. With the addition of at least one new tutorial every week you have access to a minimum of another 52 educational tutorials. Watch every video whenever you like . . . as often as you would like and be the first to watch the new tutorial we post each week! Haven't taken advantage of the wisdom bestowed through the WD tutorials yet? Why not try it out today and see all that our WD tutorials have to offer! You can try WD Tutorials for only $25/month! You will enjoy instant access to 283+ tutorials, including at least one new tutorial added weekly. Also, there are many new tutorials still in development. Feel free to preview the many tutorials immediately available to you through the WD Tutorials site. Wishing you a happy and healthy week! ~ Sue Johnson~ P.S. If you missed the last newsletter (or two), be sure to watch these new and featured tutorials: Worldbuilding Basics for Fantasy & Science Fiction, Part 2 Worldbuilding Basics for Fantasy & Science Fiction, Part 1 Mastering Story Structure with Jane’s Plotting Road Map Navigating the Author-Editor Relationship, Part 2 Navigating the Author-Editor Relationship, Part 1 For quick and easy access to all WD Tutorials available to you, use this link: View All WD Tutorials > |